{ "currentVersion": 10.91, "serviceDescription": "

Historical map showing the lots of Stamford and Niagara, between Lake Ontario and Chippawa Creek. Includes Fort Mississauga and Fort Niagara, 2 proposed suspension bridges and the whirlpool and falls of the Niagara River.<\/span><\/p>

\"Sketch of the military reserves extending from Chippewa to the debouche of the Niagara River into Lake Ontario ... as may be surrendered to the Provincial Govt. ; ... actually required for purposes of defence. As called for by the military secretary's letter dates 10th May 1850\".<\/span><\/p>

[Signed] R.I. Pilkington ... Henry Vavasour<\/span><\/p>

Digital reproduction of map in the Public Archives of Canada. National Map Collection. Library and Archives Canada.<\/span><\/p>

Georeferenced and modified from NMC Map number 3010 by Map, Data and GIS Library, Brock University. <\/span><\/p>

<\/p><\/div><\/div><\/div>", "name": "EarlyNiagara/NiagaraRiverStamford1850NMC3010", "description": "

Historical map showing the lots of Stamford and Niagara, between Lake Ontario and Chippawa Creek. Includes Fort Mississauga and Fort Niagara, 2 proposed suspension bridges and the whirlpool and falls of the Niagara River.<\/span><\/p>

\"Sketch of the military reserves extending from Chippewa to the debouche of the Niagara River into Lake Ontario ... as may be surrendered to the Provincial Govt. ; ... actually required for purposes of defence. As called for by the military secretary's letter dates 10th May 1850\".<\/span><\/p>

[Signed] R.I. Pilkington ... Henry Vavasour<\/span><\/p>

Digital reproduction of map in the Public Archives of Canada. National Map Collection. Library and Archives Canada.<\/span><\/p>

Georeferenced and modified from NMC Map number 3010 by Map, Data and GIS Library, Brock University. <\/span><\/p>

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