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ArcGIS Online Map Viewer
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ArcGIS Online Map Viewer
Service Description: Historical map showing lot and concession numbers, the Second and Third Canal, railroads, builidngs, street names, Louth and Grantham Township boundaries, construction of the Queen Elizabeth Way.
A note on the map refers to construction of a bridge on the Queen Elizabeth Way; this highway was begun in 1931 and officially opened in 1939.
Relief shown by hachures.
Map date: [1935?]
Digital reproduction of map in the Public Archives of Canada. National Map Collection. Library & Archives Canada.
Georeferenced and modified from LAC e011168617 by Map, Data and GIS Library, Brock University.
Name: EarlyNiagara/WellandCanal1935PortDalhousie
Description: Historical map showing lot and concession numbers, the Second and Third Canal, railroads, builidngs, street names, Louth and Grantham Township boundaries, construction of the Queen Elizabeth Way.
A note on the map refers to construction of a bridge on the Queen Elizabeth Way; this highway was begun in 1931 and officially opened in 1939.
Relief shown by hachures.
Map date: [1935?]
Digital reproduction of map in the Public Archives of Canada. National Map Collection. Library & Archives Canada.
Georeferenced and modified from LAC e011168617 by Map, Data and GIS Library, Brock University.
Single Fused Map Cache: false
XMin: 638895.2173382499
YMin: 4780489.294555076
XMax: 641883.3821822499
YMax: 4785988.036335076
Spatial Reference: 26917
Initial Extent:
XMin: 638895.2173382499
YMin: 4780489.294555076
XMax: 641883.3821822499
YMax: 4785988.036335076
Spatial Reference: 26917
Full Extent:
XMin: 638895.2173382499
YMin: 4780489.294555076
XMax: 641883.3821822499
YMax: 4785988.036335076
Spatial Reference: 26917
Pixel Size X: 0.9970520000000045
Pixel Size Y: 0.9970519999999651
Band Count: 3
Pixel Type: U16
RasterFunction Infos: {"rasterFunctionInfos": [{
"name": "None",
"description": "",
"help": ""
Mensuration Capabilities: Basic
Has Histograms: false
Has Colormap: false
Has Multi Dimensions : false
Rendering Rule:
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Copyright Text: Map, Data & GIS Library, Brock University.
Service Data Type: esriImageServiceDataTypeGeneric
Min Values: N/A
Max Values: N/A
Mean Values: N/A
Standard Deviation Values: N/A
Object ID Field:
Default Mosaic Method: Center
Allowed Mosaic Methods:
SortValue: null
Mosaic Operator: First
Default Compression Quality: 75
Default Resampling Method: Bilinear
Max Record Count: null
Max Image Height: 4100
Max Image Width: 15000
Max Download Image Count: null
Max Mosaic Image Count: null
Allow Raster Function: true
Allow Copy: true
Allow Analysis: true
Allow Compute TiePoints: false
Supports Statistics: false
Supports Advanced Queries: false
Use StandardizedQueries: true
Raster Type Infos:
Name: Raster Dataset
Description: Supports all ArcGIS Raster Datasets
Has Raster Attribute Table: false
Edit Fields Info: null
Ownership Based AccessControl For Rasters: null
Child Resources:
Key Properties
Raster Function Infos
Supported Operations:
Export Image
Compute Histograms
Compute Statistics Histograms
Get Samples
Compute Class Statistics
Query Boundary
Compute Pixel Location
Compute Angles